Lemony, garlic, warm, roasted artichoke…. ahh doesn’t that sound like the perfect appetizer for your next dinner party?? It is a bit messy since you take off a piece of the artichoke with the luscious warm oil dripping from the chip but it sooooo well worth it when you get the meat in that one tasty bite!
This recipe is inspired by a trip my dad and I took to Atlanta last year when I was looking for an apartment! After a long day of not so successful apartment hunting, we decided to treat ourselves to the Houston’s next door. We ordered their grilled artichokes and I have been dreaming of them ever sense! After a few trial and errors of trying to re-create this tasty little artichoke bites, this recipe is perfect for you next snack or appetizer for a girl’s night!!

- 1 large artichoke
- 2 cloves garlic
- 2 lemons
- ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Put a pot of salted water on boil
- Clean the artichoke by cutting the off the top of the leaves (be careful, these can really hurt if they prick your finger!)
- Cut off the stem, leaving about an inch remaining from the base of the choke.
- Cut the artichoke in half and then remove the choke (middle of the artichoke with the purple coloring and white strings)
- Squeeze half lemon on top to prevent browning and then the rest of the lemon juice in your boiling water.
- Boil the artichokes for 20 minutes or until tender.
- While the artichokes are boiling, pre-heat the oven to 350. Chop up your garlic and put a little bit of olive oil on the bottom of your dish that the artichokes with roast in. Add garlic and lemon to the remainder of your olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and stir together.
- After boiled, place the artichokes in dish and brush your mixture all of you mixture on/ in the leaves of the artichoke. Any remaining lemon just squeeze on top on the artichokes.
- Roast in oven for 20 minutes, put on the top rack of oven for the last 5. Enjoy!
The star ingredients!
This artichoke need’s to be cleaned and have it’s thorns removed.
Now he is all trimmed up and pretty!
Cut off the end of the stem.
Cutting the artichoke in half is the hardest part but it sure looks pretty after it’s done!
Time to remove the chock, this is the area that needs to be removed with a spoon.
The artichokes are in their very own (extra hot) hot tube! Don’t forget to put salt and lemon in there. 🙂
From the pot to the roasting pan!
Now they are all doctored up and ready to go into the oven!
Ahh, yay! These are all roasted to yummy goodness and ready to be shared!
Cheers from the heart,
Madeline <3