Howdy everyone! For those of you who had Monday off – I am sure you feel the same about it being rather hard to get back into the groove of things after the nice 3 day vacay!
Well, have no fear – a new yummy recipe is here (and an added bonus it is almost Friday)! Now this chicken dish is one of my very, very favorites. But to be honest – it has taken years to get it just right! Not because it is hard… no, no because it’s Mimi’s Lime Chicken. Which must be absolutely perfect when made – but here is the kicker… no one knew the recipe, so it turned into a I think this/ that is in Mimi’s Lime Chicken..
Wait, you don’t know the backstory do you? Oh, where are my manners!
So I babysat for a lovely family for years and years back in Arkansas. This recipe is something their Mimi would bring over for the girls (and the hungry high school babysitter) to eat for dinner! So it not only reminds me of those three sweet little girls but also of my second home in high school.
Now a few things I must warn you…
- You must like limes to appreciate this dish.
- WARNING: Contains one full stick of butter – which makes it so delicious <3
Before you turn away and close that computer due to the high amount of butter – I do have an alternative method of preparation for to you only use HALF a stick of butter.. and chicken broth as the substitute for the additional butter. It is not the suggested way to properly cook the lime chicken but is a healthier option for those that are a bit more health conscious! Now let’s get to cooking! 🙂

- 1 stick of butter
- 1 tsp. chives
- ½ tsp. dill
- Salt & pepper to taste
- 1 lb boneless chicken breast (cut into even strips, removing excess fat)
- 3 limes cut in half
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- On medium heat melt ½ of the stick of butter in a large skillet or dutch oven.
- Place evenly cut chicken strips in pan once butter is melted.
- Add in the seasoning (dill, chives, S&P) and squeeze limes right on top of the browning chicken.
- Keep covering the chicken with the juice from the pan as it gets a crispy exterior.
- Chicken needs 3-4 minutes per side or until golden brown and take off stove top.
- **Pour chicken and juices into a pryex dish if you skillet/ dutch oven cannot go in the oven
- Top chicken with remaining butter (or ½ chicken broth) and place dish in oven for 10-15 minutes (based on thickness of strips) or until cooked thoroughly.
- Enjoy!
- (Inspired by The Knight Family's Mimi's Lime Chicken Recipe)
Melt dat butter:
Put in your little chickens (strips, that is!)
Season those suckers up!
Oh, that is the star ingredient right there! <3
These suckers may look done on the outside but they need a bit more time in the oven to cook in the middle. If the extra butter is not your style just pour in some chicken broth to make sure they stay nice and moist. (I know horrible word, but it’s the only appropriate adjective)
And after about 13 minutes in the oven these lime chickens are ready to eat! ENJOY!
Cheers from the heart,